Saturday, 17 March 2012

Final Evaluation Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

My primary audience who would purchase my magazine would be young female adults aged 16-24 who have a disposable income and share an interest in pop music from the past as well as current charts. I chose this age group as they are more interested in finding up coming as well as mainstream artists and also take interest into popular music from the past such as Michael Jackson to Elvis Presley. I also have a secondary audience of males who will share an interest in the genre and the style of the magazine. I reflected this in the colour scheme and tone of my front cover where I use a soft red and blue that is bright but stands out against other magazines. This red and blue colour scheme has a stereotypical unisex appeal but the majority of red on the cover lines and the larger ‘Heart’ masthead indicates a more feminine look.

To reflect the intertextuality by absorbing the media and social influences of the 50s/60s I made it prominant in my design as well as choice of artist etc. The serif typography that is prominent in the cover lines connotes a very stylish and retro look, since art deco was a popular form of art at the time, so my females will like the house style of the magazine and attract to it more on newsstands. I included this as it would stand out against conventional magazines who adopt modern typography on the present day.

The characterisation of the female artist shown through the mise-en-scene and poses on the photo shoot also allows my majority female audience to relate more to my product. It is important to convey to your audience a relatable and sophisticated layout which appeals to their liking otherwise they may be put off by the cover artist or font type simply because it may not be of their taste. My music magazines focuses on music from the late 50’s/early 60s onwards so it would right to exclude anyone born before that so those in their early 50s+ may not be interested in the magazine. Also this is appropriate because the content will be applied in such way that it appeals more to a younger audience as it will relate to new technologies such as the internet and discuss present pop music primarily. Therefore those of 50+ may not purchase the magazine if they are only intending to read content on the past music as it may not be worth their money.

On my cover I made clear that the tributing to Marilyn Monroe is a primary factor to draw in the readership. On my contents page I adopted features and subheadings that are appropriate to my genre, by catergorising 'past and present' music to the current charts in 'whats happening now'.

Above, here is a female aged 17 who fits in my primary target market of 16-24 reading my magazine. They would buy my magazine as they like the artist included in this months issue. She can relate to the artist because she is young and stylish as she reinvents her style by taking inspiration from the past and therefore very unique. The article appeals to her as it is very informative and she wants to know exclusive gossip and information that the artist is talking about, such as her single release and childhood memories. She also likes the features of it being past pop music from the 50s/60s which is an era which my reader loves as well as present pop news. Therefore she would buy my magazine is it uniquely focuses on two decades of music instead of just present which is a unique selling point that she loves.

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